The reason that I have set up this blog is that on a weekend in Dorset last year, Ruth & I having just arrived back from Nepal needed a challenge for 2008. Oxfam Trailwalker was suggested and all we needed was two more people to form a team. Clare (who really does not need a reason to exercise) and was jogging over the Coast Paths with Neil, whilst we walked slowly an hour or so behind, was keen to join us in the challenge. Emma was enjoying her three month travels in South America and was volunteered to join us, so I mailed her and at the time, I think she was pleased that we had thought of her (what does she now think, I ask).
So here we are, nearly 9 months later and having just requested our start time and advised Oxfam of our proposed finish time (early & long), we are realising what we have taken on. Last week we attended a Trailwalker briefing session (Suzie, our Support Team Leader) took notes and the rest of us panicked. We made it to the bar and managed to put dates in our diaries (every weekend until July) for us to try and get together and walk.
Donations are coming in (much needed motivation), Emma is hitting the gym as much as possible, Ruth has just moved house and had no time to think of anything else & I am just getting back into the exrecise mode. Clare continues running to work, going to the gym, getting even fitter & putting the rest of us to shame.
We are all walking together on Bank Holiday Monday and plan a 20 mile plus walk - we will keep you updated.